Heschel Community Comes Together for Communal Commemoration
Heschel parents, faculty, staff, students, grandparents, alumni, trustees, and other members of the community came together for a commemoration of October 7th. The evening featured a conversation moderated by Board President Ben Archibald between Heschel parents Keren Yarhi-Milo, Dean of School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Relations, Columbia University, and Dan Senor, Co-author of Start Up Nation and The Genius of Israel, and host of the Call Me Back podcast). The conversation ranged from topics about the current state of affairs in Israel, the mood on college campuses across the country, and what a path forward might look like. The evening began with a siyum to mark the completion of learning the entire Tanach in memory of those who were murdered on October 7th that was led by Heschel Rabbis Anne Ebersman, Dahlia Kronish, and Jack Nahmod.